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5 Veronica Toni and Sylvia with Pedro Serrano at a Europe Day picnic May 2023 cropped


Settled is a charity, relying on grants and gifts. Every donation, small or large, regular or one-off, is hugely appreciated.

Cesare and Ewa Cardiff outreach Sept 2023 1024x768

From 23rd June 2016, every EU citizen in the UK faced an insecure future. Despite our different nationalities and backgrounds, all shared the anxious and often difficult experience of new immigration rules. 

Our charity Settled works for a positive future for all EU citizens in the UK and their families. Settled gives free, multilingual, expert, accredited advice on the EU Settlement Scheme (EUSS) and Ukraine visa schemes and support to access related rights such as benefits and housing. Dozens of requests for our help every day show that complex advice is needed now more than ever if EU citizens are to avoid an insecure and distressing future. 

You or your family and friends may have already benefited from our charity. People you know and care about still need our help. We are asking all EU citizens who are settled in the UK to support our charity.

Settled is proud of its compassionate mission to support large numbers of EU citizens but we cannot continue without you. Please make a donation to support our life-changing services for EU citizens who face challenges similar to what you have experienced, now often in extremely vulnerable situations. We cannot succeed alone, but with your help, we can secure their rights to live and flourish in the UK.

We are also proud to celebrate and promote European cultures in Wales through this website and social media. If you have benefited from this - on either side of the mic, stage, kitchen etc! - please give to help this work to continue and grow.

To give £10 a month, or whatever you can afford as a regular standing order or one-off gift, please donate below. We are very grateful for your support. 

PayPal account / bank card
Standing orders or one-off gifts


Secure giving by card payment (even if you don’t have a CAF account).


Bank Transfer, Standing Order or Cheque

Settled, NatWest Bank  Sort Code: 60-02-38 
Account number: 75425289

Cheques sent to:
Settled, R1.3 Riverside House, Newport Market, Upper Dock Street, Newport, NP20 1DD

1 Aisha Leicester

How your donation will help us

We rely on regular giving and one-off gifts from individuals, as well as grants, to fund our staff and costs. We are grateful to our many volunteers to enable Settled's migration advice work, and Settled Culture's research and promotion, to continue. 

Our small staff team recruit, train, and support this volunteer base; and also work on more complex legal advice, outreach, training, and communications. Your generous giving allows us to continue, grow, and have remarkable impact.

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